Native American Art- Gun stock club replica- T. Chavez

Native American Art- Gun stock club replica- T. Chavez
Native American Art- Gun stock club replica- T. Chavez
Native American Art- Gun stock club replica- T. Chavez
Native American Art- Gun stock club replica- T. Chavez
Native American Art- Gun stock club replica- T. Chavez

Native American Art- Gun stock club replica- T. Chavez

Chavez was The very best craftsman of new artifacts I ever met. Dozens of excellent craftsman of Native bows and arrows and clubs and breast plates etc. None as talented and careful to historical detail as Chavez. The first time we met I bought 2 of these clubs, a breast plate and a bow and coyote quiver with arrows.

I have never seen anything with the quality before or since. The next time I saw him (a few years later) he was so frustrated with a few galleries back southeast that closed up and took years of his painstaking work, had to give in to the needs of making a living. I hope he was able to return to his classic work. This is a beautiful replica of the Gun Stock Club you may remember from the "Last of the Mohicans" movie 26" long 14" wide 8 blade (made from the metal of wooden barrel) Sinew grip.
Native American Art- Gun stock club replica- T. Chavez